
Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Whaling is hunt whales with used a harpoon.Harpoon is like a gun that shoots
a spear through the whales and damage it And make it lose blood.Harpoon is
a stronger gun.

Maori people don’t had stronger boats or stronger harpoon. But now boasts a
got strong and faster Whales are dying because all the countries are killing them.



Friday, 13 June 2014

boat - buogancy

My boat float because it even no the side and the Right amount marbles.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

mum and nan

My mum is like a teddy bear because she always bear hug
me it feel like smooth and warm. If you're dreadful she there
to help you to feel pleased in my home. She is kindhearted
from other people.

My Nan is care because She care to other people she always
making lunch from my brother and making dinner from family.
and kindhearted from me my brother and  family if you are sick

she makes you better    

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


My big brother name is Zachariah he live in Australia with my dad.My brother and dad go to work they work as truck man they move stuff to other place like cargo go to other place.My brother is fun because he does fun jokes. He plays games he play black ops 2 Zombies.