
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Chicken Olympice

I have been reading an awesome book about Chicken Olympics. The book is written by Marie Langley and the Chicken is. Speckle Dora and Aunty Fluff because she looks like she wearing sixteen petticoats!

Monday, 28 July 2014

gta 5

Bang! The gun goes off in my hand like a machinegun. I was going to kill fluff-09 nike-24 but they killed me first I going to get
my revenge.

In the holidays I was playing gta 5. I was playing the game by myself because it is my game and I was bored. In the game you have to kill all of them.

As I was about going to get my revenge on fluff-09 nike-24 they kept coming a kill me. So I went to go a get hot-43 because he has tank, bazooka and jet. I got his thing so I went to hop in the

I crushed them like an ant. It was awesome.

My Paragraphs
makes sense and
the reader can
understand it easily.
Sentences are punctuated.

The paragraph is about 1
main idea
(usually in the first sentences)
with more details about it in
the next sentences.
Technical words, juicy
language and interesting
vocabulary used.

Sentences are varied -
some simple some complex.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

my Running pace

I estimated my pace would be about 90cm when running. It was shorter, only about 83cm. Both the ways I measured came out the same.
Compared to my pace when walking I found out that my pace was longer when running.
I think my pace will be _1.11cm/m.

My Pace Results

Length of pace (m)

Length of pace (cm)

10 metres

12 paces



10 paces

 9 metres

0.9 m

90 cm

am i square?

ConclusionINVESTIGATION:Are you a square? no
Brief description of each strategy:
Strategy 1
Use a measuring tape to measure both lengths`- fingertip/fingertip- 143cm 152 138cm head/toes-145cm, 142cm, 143cm
                                    H.T     J.H      O.L
Strategy 2
string fingertip/fingertip  140cm,142cm,145cm
                                                 H.T      J.H        O.L
Strategy 3
big ruler waste/toe 52cm, 43cm, 53cm
                                     H.T      J.H      O.L
Assess each of your strategies by giving it a score from 3 (very good) to 0 (very poor) for each of these criteria. Add and score two criteria of your own.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Can you complete it in the time available?
How accurate will the result be?
Can you get all materials you need?
Does it use your time effectively?


Which is the best strategy?
strategy 1 because it had more questions.
Why do you think it is the best?
we finished it in time and it had more questions than
the others  


Wednesday, 23 July 2014

My Pace

Today we got to do another experiment about paces t thought my pace will be about 88 cm but it was more. It was shorter, but it was only about 100 cm. Here is what I found out.

Length of pace (m)

Length of pace (cm)

10 metres



100 cm

10 paces



100 cm

Thursday, 3 July 2014


Hip hop, Hoiho. go for a swim
Hip hop, Hoiho, you need to get slim Flippy floppy seal - here he comes.
Slip slop, wibble wobble 
drip drop

Record and upload audio >>

click here to play my poem.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Mody Dick

In 1820 there was a ship called Essex, it was sailing through the
Pacific Ocean. And the ship was a whaling.

Moby Dick is 32 meters and the captain leg got hurt by Moby Dick.
The ship sunk how be the ship sunk Moby Dick hit the side of the

The survivors were hungry and they kill the youngest he was owen coffin
and ent he.